OpenPlant Isometrics Manager Help

Convert Length and Diameter Units

Isometrics Manager has available two variables in the Style.cfg file which will convert the Length and Diameter units displayed on an isometric. So if an isometric was created from a drawing using Imperial units originally, you can have the length and diameter units display in Metric units for the dimensions and in the BOM.

Remember: Note that each isometric style has its own Style.cfg file and these variables would need to be configured for each style.

The Style.cfg file is located in the following directory (using the IFC style as an example):


Look for the following section:


# Change the below values to 1 when the isometric should show diameter or
# length values in a different unit
  ConvertLengthUnit   = 0
  ConvertDiameterUnit = 0
# IE_CNV_MAP specifies imperial to metric diameter mappings. OPIM does know
# how to map diameters but here you have the option to change or add mappings
# Examples: map 5.5" to 135mm and 6.5" to 160mm
#  - IE_CNV_MAP = 5.5=135;6.5=160

By default, Isometrics Manager has the ability to map the diameter units using a 25 factor (1 inch=25mm) with the following exceptions:

Imperial Metric
0.375 10
0.5 15
0.625 18
0.75 20
1.25 32
1.5 40
2.5 65
3 80
3.5 90
4.5 115

The mappings can be changed/added through the IE_CNV_MAP setting. For instance, to have 100mm mapped to 5" and 40mm mapped to 2", the following values could be added:

IE_CNV_MAP = 5=100;2=40

Once you have set the values save the file and regenerate the isometric to convert the units.

Note: Note that the database data stays the same. This is only for display the units differently in the isometric.
Note: The only things not converted are bolt lengths and diameters.

Convert Length Unit Example

In the following example, a drawing was created using a metric project where the Dimensions, Coordinates, Diameters and BOM units are metric.

With the following setting in the Style.cfg file:

ConvertLengthUnit   = 1
ConvertDiameterUnit = 1

The following result is displayed when you regenerate the isometric:

Note the following:

  • Coordinates switch to Imperial
  • Dimensions switch to Imperial
  • BOM length units switch to Imperial

Convert Diameter Units Example

If you took the same Metric isometric set the following in the Style.cfg file:

ConvertLengthUnit   = 0
ConvertDiameterUnit = 1 

The following result is displayed when you regenerate the isometric:

Note the following observations:

  • Diameter labels switch to Imperial
  • BOM diameter units switch to Imperial
  • Also note the nonlinear mapping